Thursday, 8 May 2008

Bad Habits and Negative Thought Patterns, Anxiety?

Regardless Of What You Have Been Led To Believe Acute Anxiety And Panic Attacks Can Be Cured In Easy-To-Follow Steps Without Any Medication Using A Revolutionary New Technique!

Anxiety and Panic Attacks Cured: More Information!


Anonymous said...

Neg. Thoughts towards something like death can lead to anxiety. Anxiety can lead to bad habits. And negative thoughts can surely lead to bad habits. For instance: You don't have thoughts of peace with death, so your scared to die, you realized that you need to do certain things that help avoid death. (ie, not crossing a busy street) Now your not living a full life so you become confined in your house soon you dont even want to get in a car. This can also lead to OCD. (which in this case are the bad habits)

Anonymous said...

The one above is Mine. Jessica from Facebook.